Week 21: Drivers of Change

‘Drivers of Change investigates the key global issues and trends driving change in our societies and markets. It is one of the most well-known and comprehensive publication series of its kind. The cards are an effective way of raising awareness about our environment – both man-made and natural. They help initiate conversations, act as workshop materials, provide a foundation for further study and serve as an input for strategy and innovation processes.’

We started our Assessed Task 2 this Monday. In this task, we have been asked to envision possible near futures for a range of systems that we use everyday in our urban environments. The first step is 4 weeks in duration and requires I to use secondary research into ‘Near Fuures’ themes, tensions, drivers of change, alongside practice research methods to generate a huge range of ideas, quick prototypes, tests and experiments that envision a number of near future possibilities for my system–parking.

The work in Monday’s session was to seek three ‘issue’ of interest to me from Arup Foresight Drivers of changes website and described what challenges and  opportunities these ‘issue’ might present for my system. Then, I sketched 15 quick speculative ideas via annotated ‘roughly roughly‘ drawings showing how my system is affected by or responds o these issues.





15 quick speculative ideas for my system — parking

Firstly, let me introduce three issues of interest to me for my system — parking, there are Climate change, Poverty and Energy. Then, I am going to describe some of challenges and opportunities these ‘issue’ in my 15 quick speculative ideas.

  • Climate change, was designed to promote awareness of the effects of climate change on the future of the natural and built environment. Key issues from the card set such as drought, arctic thaw, and sea level rise remain at the forefront of the climate conversation. The first challenge is how parking can work well when the earth surfer global warming.


Global warming idea for parking

In this case, I want to make parking ground likes swimming pool, a closed swimming pool. Car park on the ‘swimming pool’, it can reduce high temperature from climate and car itself and also the water can absorb extra heat and hot fuels. Finally the water which absorbed heat and hot fuels can use for other ways, might can improve other systems.

  • Poverty inspires conversation not only about poverty in developing countries, but in developed countries as well. In many cases, similar infrastructural issues contribute to poverty in both contexts.


Recycling idea for parking

Parking payment becoming more and more expensive, even though the prices in poverty city more cheaper than urban, but they still can not support. Specially some poverty cities living in developing countries. So what if we change the payment from money to plastic bottles, glass bottles or cans, some stuff can be recycled. People can put the amount of recycle stuff, it depends on parking hours when we need to park car.

  • Energy examines the complex relationship between energy supply and demand. In recent years, both the availability and environmental impact of fossil fuels has come under critical review. Renewable energy provides a prospective alternative, but will require additional supporting infrastructure to be able to produce at the necessary capacity.


Light balloons idea for parking

Drivers always complain how hard to find parking space at night and if all the electronic can not working at night, how drivers can find parking space at that time. This idea come from fire balloon, fire balloon can easily to recognise in the sky. So what if balloon become light balloon and it always up when parking spaces are free, also it can going down when occupied. Driver can quickly and easily to find parking space whenever at night or electronic gone.